Trailer Of The Week - Week #8

Followers of our twitter feed may well have noticed that earlier in the week, we caught up with Phillip Ridley's 2009 film, Heartless. A full review is due soon but until then, check out the trailer for the dark and occasionally disturbing film, which plays with all sorts of genres and comes out the other side as a very enjoyable watch indeed. The trailer sums the mood up nicely - the film is firmly in grimy horror territory with a healthy dollop of Matrix-infused science fiction and classic literature mixed in for good measure. If you're after something 'different' to watch tonight then this will doubtless tick several of your boxes.

Trailer Of The Week is a regular Film Intel feature which picks a different tasty trailer of delectable goodness every week and presents it on Sunday for your viewing pleasure. Sometimes old, sometimes new, sometimes major, sometimes independent, sometimes brilliant, sometimes a load of old bobbins: always guaranteed to entertain. If you want to make a suggestion for Trailer Of The Week, see the contact us page.


  1. Interesting stuff. It looks unique for a British film but it appears to relate it to the popular urban street war sub-genre that has been doing the rounds over the last two/three years. Will have to check it out.

  2. It definitely does relate to that genre but it certainly does something different with it as well. It's well worth a look in my opinion - hope you enjoy it!
